Climbing Injuries Solved

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Climbing Injuries Solved presents clear and highly detail coverage of a wide range of climbing injuries from the unique perspective of a chiropractor and physio. Dr. Lisa Erikson treats rock climbers (including pros like Dave Graham, Daniel Woods and Angie Payne) and other mountain athletes from her office in Boulder, Colorado, and in this text she reveals a wealth of therapy and preventative tips that work. Climbing Injuries Solved is the next best thing to visiting her in person!

This book will help you to:
•Learn immediate treatments that you can implement now, regardless of injury.
•Learn the newest modern techniques to heal yourself.
•Help you to customize a problem-focused recovery plan.
•Return missing ranges of motion with mobility and flexibility drills.
•Upgrade your climbing technique, making you more efficient, powerful and safe.
•Ensure your injury will remain healed with a guided reintroduction to climbing.
•Learn how to build volume, intensity and grade without getting re-injured.
•Find any missing loopholes in your care and training.
•Become an expert on the pulley tendons of the finger.
•Discover the anatomy of the shoulder and arm regions that are used in climbing.
•How to manage numerous injuries at once.
•And so much more…

Climbing Injuries Solved provides crisp instructions on dealing with most any tweak, pang, or injury you might be experiencing….and if you are a fully healthy climber it will guide you to remaining that way!

- Published by Lisa Erikson in 2014
- Author: Lisa Erikson
- Edition: First
- Language: English
- Color: Yes
- Pages: 216
- Dimension: 6″ wide by 9″ tall
- ISBN: 9780692296646
- Weight: 483g

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