Smith Rock Select

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Smith Rock, Oregon, is where it all began for American sport climbing. The bolted routes put up here by Alan Watts and others in the early 1980s were the first of their kind in the nation. For a while, America’s hardest rock climbs were here, too. The soaring orange walls of this Oregon state park still boast some of the best and most celebrated climbs in the country. There’s a wealth of terrain here, with both sport and trad climbs, suitable for climbers of all levels of ability. Discover Smith Rock climbing for yourself with this select guide to almost 300 of the best routes.

Smith is an extensive area, with enough climbing for several lifetimes. A comprehensive guide to the climbing will set you back 40 bucks and weighs almost as much as a second rope. OK, that’s an exaggeration, but it’s heavy, and if you only have a few weeks in the area, and you want to get right to the best stuff, you won’t go wrong with this affordable guide. Every route you will want to do will be here, in an easy-to-read, fun-to-use book.

- Published by Wolverine Publishing in 2009
- Author: Jonathan Thesenga
- Region: Smith Rock State Park (Oregon, USA)
- Edition: 2nd
- Language: English
- Color: Yes
- Pages: 88
- Dimension: 6″ wide by 9″ tall
- ISBN:9780979264498
- Weight: 169g

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